ADE has been repairing all Symbol barcode scanners and mobile devices since the 1990s. From Symbol to Motorola Solutions to Zebra, the Symbol brand survives. Regardless of whether the owners change.

Flexible, Professional, Fast.

Our eight highly qualified technicians, repair, refurbish, test and clean all generations of Symbol/Motorola/Zebra barcode terminals. This process guarantees a longer operating time for your mobile devices. Enjoy a higher efficiency through quality repairs with warranty. Maintenance costs are reduced with the “ADE Warranty Label”. This solution optimizes your investment costs and gives you the security of investment for years to come. Without compromising on quality.

  • 2000+ Spare parts
  • Repair flat-rates
  • In-house repair centre

Please get in touch! Contact us! We are happy to send you a quote. You can download our RMA form and our repair flat rates here.

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